Retracing the origins of Scientific Racism

Retracing the origins of Scientific Racism, is a research based project that critically looks at the forgotten history of Scientific Racism, Eugenics and how this dangerous ideology cemented the false idea that varieties of human life could be assigned different value. Eugenics provided justification for some of the most appalling crimes in human history: conquest, exploitation, plunder, genocide, forced euthanasia, colonialism, environmental degradation and other forms of mass murder and oppression based on racial and ableist hierarchy. “The legacies and consequences of eugenics still cause direct harm through the racism, antisemitism, ableism and other harmful stereotyping that they feed. These continue to impact on people’s lives directly, driving discrimination and denying opportunity, access and representation.”

The project will visually map amd retrace the Forgotten History of Scientific Racism, Eugenics and its ongoing legacies and consequences in present day colonialism and capitalism.

The takeoff point begins with researching the invention of races and visualising the study and misrepresentation of diverse cultures, cartegorised as “others/savages”